CIT - Circadian Intervention Therapy Table

CIT is a therapeutic table designed to provide light therapy treatment to Alzheimer patients. It is the latest design outcome of a collaboration between University of Houston ID+ center and Xtralight Energy-Efficient Lighting Solution. The quantity, spectrum, timing, duration, and distribution of light have a profound effect on people’s sleep, alertness, and performance, along with overall wellbeing. Designed lighting can be used to reduce symptoms associated with conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, insomnia, and depression. Collaborating with lighting experts at Light Research Center of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, validated specific lighting specs in terms of light temperature and spectrum are integrated into the lighting design of this light-table. This table delivers specified uniformed lighting to Alzheimer patient’s living environment. The table’s smart light-control keeps the light in sync with the 24-hour day circadian system. The easy to move structure design makes the table engaging and friendly. The table is designed in a neutral style to fit in a variety of different senior living facilities. The easy flip design makes it easy to form a vertical lighting surface which is another primary way for light delivery in the application. 


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